ARU expert helps establish financial impact of biodiversity loss


Professor Aled Jones, director of ARU’s Global Sustainability Institute, has played a key role in shaping a new policy aimed at incorporating the loss of biodiversity – and its associated risks and costs – into business decision-making.

The Biodiversity and Nature-Related Risks (BDNRR) policy has been launched by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (IFoA), the UK’s chartered professional body for actuaries which has over 30,000 members worldwide.

The character of our countryside and its wildlife is the product of hundreds of years of human activity

Prof Jones is the chair of the IFoA’s Biodiversity Working Party. This aims to improve actuaries’ understanding of biodiversity – crucial in providing our food, oxygen, and clean water – and the financial impacts caused by the loss of nature.

Since 1970, the Earth’s wildlife populations have fallen by almost 70 per cent, mainly due to deforestation, excessive human consumption, and pollution. Significant impacts are now found across 75 per cent of the global land surface and 66 per cent of the global ocean area, with an estimated one million species threatened with extinction. The timings and exact outcomes of biodiversity loss are still unknown, although the consequences, including financial, are projected to be significant.

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Professor Aled Jones, director of ARU’s Global Sustainability Institute

Prof Jones said: “Managing nature-related risks is critical, but currently isn’t carried out by the majority of businesses.


“The long-term, uncertain, and intangible character of the risks associated with biodiversity loss are actuarial in their nature and should be embedded in a business’ decision-making. However, there are significant challenges around understanding and tackling nature-related risks, not least the uncertainty around what the risk might be to a particular organisation from the loss of a specific species or landscape. There are potential ‘tipping points’ in various biodiversity systems and also many indirect impacts which are likely to be much larger than their direct impacts.

The character of our countryside and its wildlife is the product of hundreds of years of human activity

“To manage these risks, it’s not simply a case of getting better tools to quantify nature. Whenever we put a financial value on nature – the natural capital approach – it can never capture all the risks and costs associated with biodiversity loss. In this way biodiversity is different from climate change, where it is possible to value risk with greater certainty.

“I’m delighted the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries are championing the importance of using qualitative as well as quantitative data to tackle this issue, and the new Biodiversity and Nature-Related Risks policy will bring the vital topic of biodiversity loss into the boardrooms of some of the world’s largest companies.”

More detail on the new policy here.


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