(ANSA) – ROME, APR 5 – Italy’s Antitrust authority said
Wednesday that it had opened a probe into social-media giant
Meta in relation to music publishing rights.
The case regards the recent breakdown in negotiations with
Italian copyright-collecting agency SIAE to renew a contract on
music rights and the subsequent removal from Meta’s platforms of
content protected by the agency, including on Instagram, which
is highly popular with young people.
The authority said it is looking into whether Meta abused the
SIAE’s economic dependence on its contract with it, taking
advantage of the imbalance in bargaining positions to try to get
the agency to accept an inadequate offer for the rights and
failing to provide the necessary information for the offer to be
properly assessed.
The Antitrust said the probe regarded Meta Platform, Meta
Platforms Ireland, Meta Platforms Technologies UK Limited and
Facebook Italy.. (ANSA).