Bill Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Catalyst, a cooperative in which American Airlines has invested, has committed $75 million to an electrofuels provider that plans to convert waste carbon dioxide and renewable power into sustainable aviation fuel, American announced Wednesday.
American in September 2021 invested $100 million in Breakthrough Energy Catalyst, which invests in companies using emerging climate technologies to reduce emissions, as an anchor partner in the company.
The investment into Infinium’s Project Roadrunner includes an offtake agreement with American for Infinium SAF. “The agreement provides one model for how airlines can use offtake agreements to help promising new SAF technologies attract investment dollars,” according to American.
Further, the carrier and Citi separately have agreed to transfer the associated emission reductions to Citi “to support the scaling” of this technology and “help reduce a portion of Citi’s Scope 3 emission from employee travel,” according to American. Citi also is a partner of Breakthrough Energy Catalyst.
American Invests in Gates’ Consortium to Speed Up Green Tech
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