Release date: 14/06/23
The Malinauskas Labor Government will deliver a Small Business Strategy for South Australia that includes 20 key initiatives underpinned by a $6.5 million investment over the next four years.
Small businesses in South Australia contribute $49 billion to our economy, employ almost 40 per cent of our workforce, and account for more than a quarter of the state’s wages and salaries, and a third of sales and service income.
The Malinauskas Government is committed to supporting small and family businesses to succeed and so we undertook the most comprehensive and intensive engagement program with them this state has seen.
We sought feedback through 21 round table sessions across the state, 19 in-depth interviews, and an online survey which yielded more than one thousand responses.
The detailed feedback we received was fuelled by the passion and energy of business owners who are striving to succeed in what has often been a challenging environment, particularly over the last three years.
The insights gained through this consultation are being used to shape our Small Business Strategy, which will be released in the coming weeks.
The engagement with the sector and the development of the strategy has been coordinated by the Office for Small and Family Business that we established in August 2022 to make it easier for business owners to get the support, services and programs they need from the State Government.
The Office for Small and Family Business has already rolled out our $4 million Women in Business program, which is supporting hundreds of South Australian women to start and grow their businesses.
Attributable to Stephen Mullighan
The Malinauskas Government is committed to supporting small and family businesses to succeed.
With a contribution of $49 million to South Australia’s economy each year and employing 40 per cent of our workforce, small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy and our community.
Our Small Business Strategy will support this critical sector, which is so vital to our state’s prosperity, to grow and in turn, create jobs and boost our state’s economy.
Attributable to Andrea Michaels
Having established my own small business 8 years ago, I understand the challenges, joys and sheer hard work that goes into running a business.
We have undertaken the most comprehensive and intensive engagement program with small and family businesses this state has ever seen to inform our upcoming small business strategy.
The South Australian Small Business Strategy, underpinned by this $6.5 million investment over the next four years, will guide our policies and programs to support and empower small businesses. It will help to create jobs, build our economy and build the capability of our 150,000 small businesses.
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