A note to our advertising partners: Endpoints News joins the Financial Times family


I’m thrilled to share with you the ex­cit­ing news that End­points News is now of­fi­cial­ly a part of the Fi­nan­cial Times fam­i­ly.

To­day’s an­nounce­ment is a won­der­ful tes­ta­ment to the ed­i­to­r­i­al vi­sion and ex­e­cu­tion of our news­room and, im­por­tant­ly, to the ad­ver­tis­ing part­ners that have sup­port­ed our in­de­pen­dent jour­nal­ism from day one, al­low­ing us to be­come the bio­phar­ma in­dus­try’s trust­ed news au­thor­i­ty.

When John and Ar­salan found­ed the com­pa­ny in 2016, the mis­sion was clear: de­liv­er the best news prod­uct in bio­phar­ma and be­come an es­sen­tial read for in­dus­try lead­ers across the globe. Sev­en years lat­er, we now have 164,000 sub­scribers and a team of jour­nal­ists and staff in the US, Eu­rope, and Asia. We’re read dai­ly by thou­sands of in­no­v­a­tive biotechs and every top 50 phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­ny in the world.

Our ex­pand­ing news­room is now helmed by Ex­ec­u­tive Ed­i­tor Drew Arm­strong. And our ed­i­to­r­i­al am­bi­tions con­tin­ue to grow as we com­ple­ment our break­ing news and dai­ly analy­sis with orig­i­nal scoops, in-depth fea­tures and live jour­nal­ism at the in­dus­try’s most im­por­tant gath­er­ings.

All of this would not have been pos­si­ble with­out the sup­port of our ad­ver­tis­ing part­ners. And so, we thank you.

We know that your part­ner­ships tru­ly en­rich the End­points com­mu­ni­ty and play an im­por­tant role in cul­ti­vat­ing such a vi­brant di­a­logue among our read­ers. And now, with the full sup­port of the most re­spect­ed glob­al brand in busi­ness jour­nal­ism, we can’t wait to con­tin­ue to grow our work to­geth­er in the months and years ahead — giv­ing you even more in­no­v­a­tive ways to en­gage our grow­ing au­di­ence of bio­phar­ma and health­care ex­ec­u­tives across the globe.

Here’s to an in­cred­i­bly ex­cit­ing next chap­ter,

Ryan McRae, Chief Rev­enue Of­fi­cer


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