Heura unveils new tech for additive-free, high-protein plant-based food


Heura’s main focus is nutrition and it aims to provide consumers with nutrients, such as protein, in similar or greater levels to real meat.

It claims that thanks to a new patent it can provide high-protein, low-fat plant-based meat without using e-numbers.

Heura is currently sold in UK supermarket Waitrose, Quinta Manda Miento in Portugal, and VFC, Zesta Berda, Vegaffinity, Algeria Vegana, Amazon, and Mi Cabra Vegana in Spain. It plans to expand to other supermarkets.

Unlocking nutrition

Heura’s technology will be used to create a host of new products, from plant-based frankfurters and plant-based ham to plant-based fish.

The new technology has created products that are high in certain key nutrients. Many of them have a higher percentage of protein than the meat equivalent.

It claims that 72% of the calories in its frankfurter provide protein, compared with 26% in the meat equivalent.

These products are also lower in some less nutritious ingredients, such as saturated fat. 4% of the calories in Heura’s ham come from saturated fat, for example, compared to 9% in the meat equivalent.

Its new products also include a 100% olive oil fat analogue, which aims to work as a substitute to the fatty taste in meat but with 85% less saturated fat.

It’s one of the best things about the breakthrough technology that we are bringing today​,” Heura’s co-founder and CEO Marc Coloma told FoodNavigator. “It is allowing us to integrate the structures with monosaturated stores like extra virgin olive oil​.”

The tech

This is all made possible by Heura’s new patent. To create its products, Heura uses a technique called process-controlled microstructure design, which changes the structure of proteins at a micro-scale. 


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