Spotlight on small business thanks to regional tour



QUEENSLAND’s Chief Entrepreneur and newly appointed Small Business Commissioner will be among the high-profile industry leaders presenting at a new event in Toowoomba next month, designed to support the south west’s growing number of women in small business.

The Breaking Barriers – Regional Women in Business luncheon and regional tour will be hosted by Kat Lynn (pictured below), who is both a small business owner and the Women’s Network Australia ambassador for regional Queensland.

Guests will hear from Chief Entrepreneur Julia Spicer, Small Business Commissioner Dominique Lamb and branding guru Jessica Ritchie, with a focus on the role Toowoomba can play as a central hub supporting businesses in surrounding regions.

Small business owners Vonnie Meier and Kat Lynn at Toowoomba Farmers’ Markets

Lynn said she wanted to find a way to bring Women’s Network Australia to regional Queensland and give women from across the south west extra incentive to make the trip to Toowoomba.

“The whole premise of the Women’s Network is supporting women but also teaching them and connecting them with education and self development and MBAs,” Lynn said.

“I’m still a new small business and when you’re a sole trader you are learning constantly.

“When you can have connection with people who have been there, done that, made the mistakes and can actually guide you and are willing to be there and support and lift you, not see you as competition, it’s a beautiful thing.”

While the luncheon is on Friday April 21, Lynn told the Caller she “didn’t want it to just be a lunch” so she created a food and wine tour for the day after, which will set off from Toowoomba Farmers’ Markets (pictured above).

The private coach will head to Crows Nest via Pechey Distillery for a gourmet lunch at destination restaurant Myrtille, with stops at The Village Green and Monty Brewing Co. in Highfields on the way back.

Lynn said she wanted to build on Toowoomba’s reputation as a “very supportive, inclusive hub for innovators”.

“Make a weekend of it because there’s so much here,” she said.

For more information on the luncheon and tour, head to the Toowoomba Chamber website.


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