Analysis | The US Is Paying the Price for Being Overbanked



When Signature Bank of New York was taken into receivership this month, depositors as far away as Arkansas, Georgia and Ohio took fright. That’s because there are four Signature Banks in the US, and customers weren’t immediately sure which one was in trouble. Signature Bank of Arkansas sent out this tweet: “Just a friendly reminder that we are Signature Bank >>of Arkansas<

That there are so many Signature Banks is a reflection of how many banks there are in America overall. At the end of last year, there were 4,706 commercial banks in the country, far more than anywhere else. Canada has fewer banks than the single state of North Dakota. Japan has just 4% the number of banks. The European Union is much more fragmented, but it has 1.2 banks per 100,000 people, compared with America’s 1.4.

The US has so many chartered institutions that take insured deposits and make loans because of the history of the system. Until the mid-1980s, many states did not allow banks to operate across state lines. Some didn’t even allow branches to cross county lines. It wasn’t until the Riegle-Neal Interstate Banking Act of 1994 that interstate banking restrictions were completely lifted. The changes led to a wave of consolidation. Over the past 30 years, the number of banks has shrunk at a rate of around 3% a year.

But even after multiple mergers and acquisitions (and failures) there may still be too many banks in America. Consumers get lots of choice, but the competition such a fragmented system breeds can lead to instability.

There are many case studies of how competition can lead bankers astray. The classic is Chuck Prince’s acknowledgement that “as long as the music is playing, you’ve got to get up and dance.” Fifteen months later, his bank, Citigroup Inc. neededa government bailout. More recently, Silicon Valley Bank executives may have been incentivised to take more risk because their compensation was directly linked to the return on equity they generated “relative to peers.” And, in looking for a competitive edge in the staid business of banking, Silvergate Chief Executive Officer Alan Lane saw crypto as “an opportunity to bank these companies that were essentially being derisked from other banks.”

In a tradeoff between financial stability and competition, authorities will mostly choose stability. Last week, the chair of the Swiss financial regulator Finma brushed off antitrust concerns when she prodded UBS Group AG to take over a Credit Suisse Group AG that was dangerously close to collapse. “We can override monopolies and mergers as an institution and this is something we made use of,” she declared at a press conference.

It’s a playbook UK regulators used during the global financial crisis in 2008. When HBOS was shepherded into a merger with Lloyds-TSB, putting a third of UK personal current accounts into the hands of one institution, competition authorities balked. They were overruled by a higher authority: “The public interest of ensuring the stability of the UK financial system outweighed competition concerns,” said Secretary of State Peter Mandelson.

US authorities are unusually squeamish about the trade-off. Partly, it reflects a respect for private markets but mostly it’s because their smaller banks harness significant lobbying power. More members of Congress have a small bank among their top 25 donors than a large bank, according to data compiled by newsletter writer Byrne Hobart.

As a result, US banks are subject to a cap on their size. The Riegle-Neal Act limited national banks to a 10% market share of deposits although, with Fed approval, it can be lifted if one bank buys another “in default or in danger of default.” Yet even with that exemption, regulators reportedly didn’t want to let the bigger banks into the auction for Silicon Valley Bank.

The result is a two-tier system in the US: Big banks, subject to full supervisory scrutiny, and a long tail of smaller banks that are exempt . The recent banking crisis has exposed this divergence. Fixing it may require a blanket increase in deposit insurance – a feature customers will ultimately pay for as banks pass on the higher premiums they incur. Extra competition comes with a price; if it’s not greater instability then it’s higher insurance premiums.

It’s no wonder they don’t have banking crises in Canada.

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• The Incredible Shrinking Swiss Financial Sector: Lionel Laurent

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Marc Rubinstein is a former hedge fund manager. He is author of the weekly finance newsletter Net Interest.

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