Public liability insurance and employers’ liability insurance is absolutely essential for any business – if a customer, visitor or employee is injured liability insurance will ensure they can be adequately compensated. For some businesses the chances of injury may be considerably higher and more comprehensive insurance may be needed to protect staff and customers – insurance for pubs and sports clubs proprietors in particular must make sure that they aren’t underinsured by understating the risks at their businesses.
Having Just the Right Level of Cover
However, proprietors must be equally careful about overstating the risks of injury at their business, as doing this could mean they end up paying too much on their insurance premiums. Being able to calculate your risk accurately may be time consuming, but getting it right will insure that you get the best insurance deal and can get on with running your business without being distracted by any insurance worries. These are just a couple of things you can do to lower the risk of injury.
Properly Trained Staff
Whether a bartender or a fitness instructor, your staff will be responsible for the wellbeing of your customers. It’s up to your bar staff to make sure that they know when to stop serving someone before they become a risk to the safety of other customers; while a fitness instructor will want to make sure that they aren’t telling sports club members to do anything that could cause an injury.
Thorough risk assessment
By carrying out a thorough risk assessment you’ll be able to make sure that you spot anything that could put customers in unnecessary danger. By sorting out any potential problems and lowering the risk of injury to both staff and customers you’ll also make sure that your insurance premiums aren’t higher than they should be.
Optional insurance
While public and employers’ liability insurance is mandatory you may also want to consider taking out further insurance policies. For example, loss of liquor license insurance can ensure that your pub doesn’t suffer if you are forced to stop serving alcohol because of a licensing dispute. This could even be helpful in larger sports clubs that have a dining and bar area.
Contents insurance is also popular with many business owners. Sports equipment can be very expensive, while the furniture in your bar could be worth a lot. If stock isn’t covered by contents insurance you’ll also want to consider whether it’s worth taking out stock insurance – after all, a dry bar isn’t going to attract the punters.
Take your time to consider all of the points raised in this article to ensure you are not placing your pub or sports club in any additional liability insurance risks.