The legacy of Attack on Titan is rich and immersive due to the historical background that comes into play. This background consists of Nine Titans who were integral to the Eldian past for about two thousand years. Titans emerged to take over humankind, and noble families, like the Fritz, held them, thereby instigating various conflicts. Much like their history, the powers and abilities of the strongest Titans in Attack on Titan remain one for the books. To understand the Titans, one must understand what they are capable of unleashing. Hence, ComingSoon enlists five of the strongest Titans in AOT who managed to make the audience gasp with their terrifying powers!
Founding Titan
One of the top most petrifying Titans in the series, the Founding Titan wields abilities that surpasses all. It is remarkable that it had the ability to transition the Subjects of Ymir into colossal Titans. These colossal Titans were used by Karl Fritz to construct the colossal Walls, with the motive of protecting Eldians.
The Founding Titan’s screams can summon Pure Titans in its favor and stand with it in any battle. Moreover, it can manipulate the mind and its memories to exert insurmountable power over its opponents. The Founding Titan also possesses the ability to exploit history, and its mind games go so far as to use telepathic powers. When Eren Yeager began the Rumbling, all of this – and more – was palpable in the series.
Armored Titan
The Armored Titan’s legacy features its plated skin, or, famously, its armor. Its armor is durable against deadly attacks such as a cannon, making it a threat to reckon with. The Titan went so far in the series to resist the force of the Colossal Titan’s transformation which caused fatal explosions.
Just like the Female Titan, the Armored Titan has the ability to harden its skin, too, thereby protecting itself from its enemies’ attacks. Though it had its limitations in the series, which includes the Attack Titan managing to defeat it, the Armored Titan’s powers cannot be doubted. It fought innumerable wars and emerged as one of the strongest Titans in AOT!
Attack Titan
The Attack Titan is one of the most Central Titans in the series while also being one of the strongest. This is due to its ability to selectively transfer memories to its previous wielder, while also being able to manipulate them. Such was evident when Eren sent memories to Grisha, the previous holder of the Attack Titan.
Moreover, the Attack Titan has great combat skills, exhibiting brilliant strength and deftness. Eren, while he held the Attack Titan, was able to lift a boulder while also battling with the Armored Titan. Not to mention, the Attack Titan managed to gain victory over the formidable Armored Titan.
Beast Titan
The Beast Titan is unique in the sense that it manifests features of animals, thereby diverting from the usual humanoid Titan forms. Zeke Yeager’s Beast Titan mimics an ape, and his royal lineage grants him distinctive powers. Though the Titan, as evident in the series, is vulnerable to the Survey Corps’ thunder spears, it has skin hardening ability.
Additionally, Zeke’s Beast Titan has the unique ability to attack its enemies by merely throwing things at them with immaculate precision. Zeke can also convert humans into Titans using his spinal fluid, hence, gaining control over them. This dreadful Titan’s appearance in the series caused terror amongst the Survey Corps, which goes on to further establish the might of the Beast Titan.
Female Titan
Annie’s Female Titan is cold enough to swallow other Titans and obtain their powers. It is blessed with scream-based powers to attract Pure Titans and use them during combat, notably during the fall of Wall Maria. Moreover, the Female Titan has the ability to strategize effectively and is versatile enough to endure strong blows.
The Female Titan can famously harden its skin and defend itself against the enemies with no effort. This formidable capability was evident when it shattered fatal steel blades when they hit its skin. Undoubtedly, the Female Titan is one of the most deserving entries in this list of strongest Titans in AOT.
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