Cargill Aims to Build Three Biogas Plants in European Venture


<-bsp-bb-link state=”{“bbHref”:”bbg://securities/3091Z%20US%20Equity”,”_id”:”0000018c-2501-df28-a5cc-2787fae90000″,”_type”:”0000016b-944a-dc2b-ab6b-d57ba1cc0000″}”>Cargill Inc.-bsp-bb-link>’s push into renewable energy will include construction of as many as three European plants to produce green gas from farming waste.

The world’s largest agricultural trader is still discussing locations for the plants with its Netherlands-based partner SFP Group, according to Alexis Cazin, president of Cargill Europe’s bioenergy, grains and oilseeds business. Cargill and SFP, a biogas producer, entered into a joint venture in early November.

Processed biogas is mostly made of organic material such as chicken and pig waste and it can be used to power everything from vehicles to factories. It’s considered a green fuel …


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