Wicklow tech firm becomes first in Ireland to team up with Huber+Suhner


Network optimisation company Data Edge has announced the new collaboration is expected to generate €500,000 for the firm in additional revenue over the next two years.

Headquartered in Switzerland, Huber+Suhner manufactures electrical and optical connectivity solutions, serving a variety of industries. A global leader in its field, its solutions and products include optical switches, global navigation satellite system (GNSS) distribution and antennas, as well as cabling and connectors. This new partnership with Bray-based Data Edge is the company’s first in Ireland.

The collaboration enables Data Edge to enhance its data centre offering by bringing several new innovative solutions to the market in Ireland and making use of the unique GNNS distribution equipment and ‘power over fibre’ antenna solutions from Huber+Suhner.

It will also benefit Data Edge’s existing customers, enabling access to the latest generation optical distribution frames and lab switching which improves the speed of connections between communication facilities.

Data Edge and Huber+Suhner expect to generate new business through this partnership. In fact, they are already working together on a significant project with a leading multinational technology company.

Commenting on the partnership, Paul Phelan, CEO, Data Edge said: “Partnering with Huber+Suhner has been a goal for us for quite some time, as its suite of products are a perfect fit for our customers’ evolving needs. Due to our experience and position in the Irish market, we are a natural fit for this partnership and are looking forward to leveraging it fully to grow our business, particularly our data centre offering.”

Mark Alexander, Sales Manager, Data Centre at Huber+Suhner said: “When considering a partnership in the Irish market, Data Edge stood out to us as an experienced potential collaborator, having done excellent work here for a number of years on high-level projects such as the National Timing Protocol Timesaver and the recently launched National Timing Grid.

“Data Edge’s extensive work with optical switching installations and lab automation, as well as its standing in the telecommunications synchronisation sector, made them a natural choice to become our first partner in Ireland.”


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