Fact Check: 2015 Video Of A Police Assault From Sweden Goes Viral with False Claims | Newsmobile


Amid the ongoing Israeli-Hamas war, a video showing police personnel choking a person has gone viral on social media, claiming that the Israeli police strangled a Palestinian boy during a protest at the US Embassy in Jerusalem. 

The video is shared on Facebook with a caption: “An Israeli police officer choked a Palestinian child to death on Saturday during a protest at the American embassy in Jerusalem. The innocent boy even said the Shahada before his death. To be even worst everyone is watching and nobody tried to stop the coward from killing the boy. So, who is the terrorist now ??? WHO EVER SUPPORT SHITZRAEL PLEASE DO ME A FAVOR… Delete me from your friends list and F yourself. Share this video, let people know who do the real terror in the last 75 years”

Here’s the link to the above post


NewsMobile fact-checked the above claim, and found it to be false. 

Performing a Reverse Image Search, we identified many Facebook posts carrying the same viral video in 2017 and 2019. 

One of the Facebook posts, dated February 10, 2015, describes that “9-year-old Muslim boy’s head was smashed to the ground by a security guard in #Sweden. He was so frightened, he raised his index finger and said Shahadah.”

A news report by Independent.co.uk, dated February 12, 2015, carries a screengrab from the same viral video. According to the article, “a pair of railway station security guards are being interrogated by Swedish police after disturbing footage emerged showing a person assaulting a boy.” 

According to The Local, a Swedish news site, the “guard, hired by security business Svensk Bevakningstjänst, had held the child and his 12-year-old companion after they were kicked off a train for not having a ticket.” According to the article, the identical footage was initially published by the local Swedish language daily Sydsvenskan.

A few other news articles published on this incident can be seen here and here

Thus, it is confirmed that an old video of an assault from Sweden is being shared with false claims. 

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