CCS signs Arvato for financial analysis and due diligence services | UKAuthority



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The Crown Commercial Service (CSS) has signed Arvato CRM Solutions provide financial analysis and due diligence services.

They have agreed on a three-year, £4.5 million contract under which is said to be the first time CCS has secured the services of a third party outsourcer to supports its assessment of the financial standing of companies competing for government contracts.

It will provide Arvato with relevant financial information, supporting documents and commentary through a cloud based portal. The company will then check the data’s accuracy and assess in a playbook compliant manner whether each business is financially capable of delivering the work it is tendering for, then make a recommendation to CCS.

The service will be delivered by a hybrid team of specialist analysts and accountants working from a hub in Swansea.

Arvato will also work with CCS to explore the potential for using intelligent automation in the analytics process.

Dynamic and flexible

The company’s CEO, Debra Maxwell, commented: “The solution we’ll deliver is designed to be inherently dynamic, able to flex to changing needs and varying complexities of financial materials.

“Ultimately, it will support CCS’s work to help ensure the right skills and expertise are being applied for the public good.”

Arvato has been on the CCS Contact Centres and Business Services procurement framework over the past two years, and is a supplier to public sector bodies including the Education and Skills Funding Agency and Wales Air Ambulance.





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