One in four continue to support small businesses, despite cost-of-living crisis


A third of shoppers would rather buy from small businesses – but this has left almost half having to take significant steps to manage their finances more effectively

One in three would rather opt to shop at small businesses, rather than from large retailers(MoMo Productions/Getty Images)

One in three Brits (34%) would rather shop at smaller, local businesses, instead of large retailers – but the cost-of-living crisis has forced almost half to turn to whichever is the cheapest option, regardless of retailer size.

For three-quarters of consumers, this has meant shopping at larger stores since the current economic crisis began – with 44% of those citing the cost of living, and trying to save money, as the main thing driving this decision.

And 38% say they simply don’t have many smaller shops in their area, resulting in them opting for larger alternatives.

But over a quarter (26%), of the 1,500 adults polled, have deliberately shopped at smaller businesses during the cost-of-living crisis, regardless of the cost – with 48% keen to show their support for local business owners.

And 49% do so because they know it benefits their community – while others say that personal touches, such as a warm welcome, complimentary samples, and birthday discounts, are what sets small businesses apart.

As such, nearly half (44%) have had to take significant steps to try and manage their finances more effectively, according to the research, commissioned by Tyl by NatWest.

More than two-thirds feel they get better customer service at smaller, local retailers(Thomas Barwick/Getty Images)

It also emerged that over two-thirds (68%) of those, who have turned to larger businesses to cut costs, say they have, at some point, found themselves lacking the customer service they may have experienced in a smaller store, as they struggled to find an employee to help with a query.

But on the other hand, some of the negatives of buying from small businesses include pricey shipping costs, poor delivery experiences, and lengthy timelines to resolve disputes.


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