Here’s the scoop on the minimum wage increase in Saskatchewan. On Oct. 1, we added a dollar to the hourly wage of our minimum wage earners … not that we have many at Wendell Clark’s Classic Bar and Grill in Saskatoon, because we don’t.
But now they’ll earn this extra money, not knowing that they only see 67 cents of this supposed dollar. The government will get the rest. Plus more. Yes, in fact, 42 cents per hour.
That’s because the employer must pay extra for the Canada Pension Plan and Employment Insurance matching funds. Then the employer must pay 5.77 per cent vacation pay on the dollar increase — which makes the total $1.15/hour to the employer.
So who is benefiting more with this increase? For our little business in the north end of Saskatoon, this will mean a substantial increase in payroll.
Byron Kidd, Saskatoon
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