SIR: It is unfortunate that Nigerians in some of the geo-political zones are even doubting the existence of governments as insecurity had ravaged and disturbed their absolute peace and harmonious living.
In some of the states, bandits allow farmers to cultivate crops only if they pay some amounts levied on them. Refusal to abide by such heartless fines endangers their lives as bandits attack wherever they like and kidnap people until ransoms are paid.
Insecurity in Nigeria also covers ethno-religious conflicts that compelled many to flee their comfort zones, preferring to live as displaced persons in classrooms or tents with no social amenities. Food commodities provided by international organisations to the displaced individuals are hard to get.
The media reported incongruities and shameful acts of rape cases in camps, underage girls and women engage in sex with officials just to get foods in return.
There are roads within Nigeria where flying them is like passing through death-paths due to the incessant abductions of both rich and poor commuters. It is on record that one particular road in Northern region has seen security agents, political office holders, religious leaders and even traditional rulers kidnapped there; some years back; and instead of handling the case with iron hand, 300 armed women were sent but still the kidnapping continuous.
It is true that ordinary citizens could not afford travelling by air, majority of travellers embrace rail transport as better alternative to be free from unforeseen road circumstances but reports of incessant breakdown of the passenger coaches are discouraging people and the attack which result in taking many passengers hostage. Kidnappers operate even in broad daylight, students are not safe in schools, residents in many villages sleep with fear, many business ventures were shutdown because owners and farmers have relocated to other places; this might lead to hunger next year as farmers abandoned their rich farmlands.
Factually, nothing could be achieved in rancorous and insecured environments; it is therefore paramount that governments should engage in dialogue with all those that have taken weapons. Through dialogue, their complains and grievances could be resolved amicably. Citizens on their parts could play key roles by exposing strangers and known persons whose activities are suspicious and report them to the rightful authorities. Armed forces should do everything to make sure whistle blowers that are exposing criminals in communities are adequately safe and given necessary securities; doing this would definitely inspire more to do same.
We have no other country to go and claim as ours than here. Let us rebuild its lost glories together and help security forces as well as leaders in making our societies better places to live.
• Mukhtar Garba Kobi wrote from Bauchi.
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