Structure and Organization Changes in Prince William County Government


PWC Government Quadrants

Provided by BOCS Chair Ann Wheeler’s Office

At the BOCS meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 12, County Executive Christopher Shorter presented recommended changes to the County government organization, some department realignments, and the creation of a new office. These changes, which were adopted by the Board during the meeting, align with the County’s 2021 – 2024 Strategic Plan.

Renamed Four Quadrants of Government

  • General Government is now Government Operations, Performance and Innovation.
  • Community Development is now Mobility, Economic Growth and Resiliency.
  • Human Services is now Health, Wellbeing and Environmental Sustainability.
  • Public Safety is now Safe and Secure Community.

Realignment Changes Within Quadrants

  • The Office of Tourism is now part of the Department of Economic Development (was in the Department of Parks and Recreation).
  • The Zoning Office is now part of the Department of Development Services (was in the Planning Office).
  • The Procurement Office is now part of the Office of Executive Management (was in the Finance Department).
  • Parks and Recreation and the Office of Sustainability are now a part of the Health, Wellbeing and Environmental Sustainability quadrant.

A New Office

A Transformation Management Office (TMO) is being created and will be operational Nov. 1, 2023. The temporary, two-year office will help develop, design and lead strategic initiatives focused on improving the overall experience for residents, visitors, employees, and those doing business in our County. It will be responsible for all efforts related to transformation initiatives and ensure effective monitoring, cross-agency coordination, and strategic execution. The TMO will report directly to County Executive Christopher Shorter. The director and four deputy or assistant directors will be selected through an internal recruitment process and reassigned to these positions for the two-year period.



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