XIPHIAS Immigration to hold Investment Migration Seminar 2023


XIPHIAS Immigration, a leading name in the immigration and visa consultancy industry, is holding a seminar for individuals seeking investment migration opportunities during the exclusive Investment Migration Seminar 2023. This seminar aims to provide attendees with comprehensive insights into various investment migration pathways, with a special focus on the highly sought-after Canada Start-Up Visa (SUV) Program.

The seminar will feature a panel of esteemed speakers who will share their insights and expert opinions on the diverse pathways available to individuals seeking investment migration opportunities. The speakers include Varun Singh (MD), Fellow Certified Investment Migration Consultant (FIMC), and Swapan Dutta (Director), Director of Business Development.

The seminar will offer participants a comprehensive understanding of various investment migration pathways, with a special emphasis on the currently popular pathways, such as the Canada Start-Up Visa (SUV) Program. Additionally, it will cover the Residency by Investment (RBI) and Citizenship by Investment (CBI) Programs, which will help participants explore the key features of the investment migration programs and pathways and how to navigate through them while keeping their goals and aspirations in perspective.

The seminar will be divided into two sessions: Skilled Migration and Investment Migration Programs. The first session will cover the skilled migration programs of Canada, the UK, and Australia, which are designed for professionals with relevant qualifications and experience.

The second session will focus on the investment migration programs of Canada, the USA, Europe, and the Caribbean, which are suitable for start-up entrepreneurs, high-net-worth individuals (HNIs), and ultra-high net-worth individuals (UHNIs).

The honourable speaker of the event and the Managing Director, Varun Singh, says, “Whether you are an aspiring investor, looking to migrate abroad through investing, expand your business globally, or simply curious about investment migration and the various opportunities it offers, the Investment Migration Seminar 2023 is a unique opportunity to gain comprehensive knowledge, insights, and guidance from industry experts.”

(Press Release)


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