BIZNOTE: Want to grow your small business? 2 chances for free info @ West Seattle Coworking


If you run a business, your fellow entrepreneurs at West Seattle Coworking (9030 35th SW; WSB sponsor) have two chances ahead this month for you to get helpful info during free presentations/workshops.

SEPTEMBER 22: At noon Friday, September 22nd, West Seattle Coworking is hosting “a presentation from master librarian Jay Lyman on the vast collection of business tools available for free to Seattle Public Library patrons. Typically, many sophisticated business softwares require the purchase of expensive licenses if you access them privately. The library pays these licenses so you don’t have to. To learn which tools are available, and discuss some applications for your business’ needs, reserve one of the remaining seats here.

SEPTEMBRER 26: At noon Tuesday, September 26th, at WS Coworking, “a more interactive workshop on common-sense marketing. Choosing what marketing works for your business needs and where your time and resources are better spent can be a daunting task by itself. Join Barney Cohen (a fellow coworker and successful entrepreneur) in this interactive workshop. Bring your questions as well.” You can register here.


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