Student Housing Business and the InterFace Conference Group are pleased to announce the 5th annual LeaseCon/TurnCon will be held December 4th and 5th in Charlotte at the Hilton Uptown Charlotte.
The event is intended to bring together everyone involved in the leasing, marketing and turn process, from property-level leasing reps and managers to corporate execs, as well as the many consultants, service providers and vendors allied to the space, and will offer a combination of roundtables, small interactive discussions, panel sessions and networking.
The conference will open with roundtables, a special presentation and an opening networking reception on the afternoon of Monday, December 4th. There will be eight panel discussions as well as a group of interactive discussions on Tuesday, December 5th.
Topics for discussion include whether rising rental rates and occupancy gains are sustainable; the trend toward centralizing the leasing process; how AI could impact leasing and marketing; the growing importance of TikTok; brands and branding; revenue management; Turn innovations; roommate matching; reputation management; the impact of furniture and interior design on leasing and marketing; virtual touring; and the continuing evolution of SEO and other marketing techniques.
“The student housing industry knocked it out of the park in terms of rental rates and occupancy for the 2023-2024 academic year,” said Richard Kelley, publisher of Student Housing Business. “The big question now is whether that these rents and occupancy gains are sustainable — and what comes next? Can owners continue to push rents? Should operators push hard on early leasing, or could higher rates be achieved by a long-view approach? And what about setting rental rates and revenue management? There is a lot to talk about on the leasing side, and plenty to discuss on the turn side of things, too.”
“Our primary purpose with this event remains the same — we want to help owners and operators figure out the most efficient and cost-effective ways to get ‘heads in beds’ and how to run the most cost-effective and efficient turn process,” adds Kelley. “We hope companies will send multiple members of their leasing and operations teams to attend, and we have a special registration tier to help facilitate that.”
For information on sponsorship, exhibiting and speaking opportunities, please contact Rich Kelley at 914-309-6954 or Tim Tolton at 404-832-8262 x 125.
- After a record setting year for 2023-2024, what comes next in terms of occupancy and rental rates?
- The “Leasing Clock” — early leasing is starting earlier than ever but are owners & operators potentially leaving money on the table?
- Is centralized leasing the wave of the current and future?
- How will AI impact leasing, marketing and turn in the coming years?
- Will rental rates continue to rise for 2024-2025 and how to best employ revenue management
- Where are leasing teams in terms of in-person tours vs. virtual?
- Roommate Matching in a high-occupancy environment
- Reputation Management & changes in Google business page management
- The continued evolution of SEO
- Leveraging technology throughout the marketing/leasing process
- Onsite staffing, training and retention
- Where is the international student market now, and what to expect for 2024-2025 academic year
- Where is NIL two years in?
- How to most effectively utilize TikTok
- How do furniture and interior design impact leasing?
- Is everything finally back to normal on the supply chain?
- Best practices for turn planning and budgeting
- New “turn tech”
- Effective strategies for sourcing vendors
- Can turn be managed centrally?
- FF&E — repair or replace?
- Corporate Marketing & Leasing Executives at Ownership and Management Companies
- Corporate Management Executives Who are Responsible for Various Aspects of Turn
- Property Level Marketing & Leasing Professionals
- Marketing, Leasing & Turn Consultants
- Vendors & Service Providers to Owners/Operators’ Leasing & Marketing Teams
- Vendors & Service Providers to Owners/Operators’ Turn Teams
For information about speaking and sponsorship opportunities, contact Rich Kelley at 914-309-6954 or Tim Tolton at 404-832-8262 x 125.
InterFace Conference Group is a division of France Media Inc., the largest commercial real estate publisher of print and digital magazines in the United States.
France Media Inc.’s print and digital magazines include Shopping Center Business, Texas Real Estate Business, Southeast Real Estate Business, Northeast Real Estate Business, Western Real Estate Business, Heartland Real Estate Business, Seniors Housing Business, Student Housing Business, California Centers, and Retail & Restaurant Facility Business, as well as a family of regional Multifamily & Affordable Housing Business magazines. The company also publishes 13 newsletters and several news websites covering commercial real estate.
For more information about all of the commercial real estate magazines, websites, and newsletters published by France Media Inc., visit www.francemediainc.com/publications.
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