Climate action should be “everyone’s business” as climate action hub receives funding


Fife Communities Climate Action Network received £224,699 from the Scottish Government. The funding will set up the Fife Climate Action Hub which will empower people and communities to take practical action to tackle the climate emergency.

Jan Davidson, steering group member at Fife Communities Climate Action Network said: “I’m delighted that Fife’s communities have the opportunity to be part of a growing network of climate action hubs around Scotland. Our homes, neighbourhoods and incredible natural environment are already feeling the effect of the climate emergency. It’s never been more important to take action”.

The project will involve more than 3,000 in its activities over the next year. Community organisations will be involved including youth groups, sports clubs, faith groups, equalities groups, community halls, arts groups and community councils.

Groups across Fife will benefit from the climate action hubGroups across Fife will benefit from the climate action hub
Groups across Fife will benefit from the climate action hub

According to Ms Davidson, the hub’s aim is to get beyond those who are already engaged and said that climate action needs to “become everyone’s business”.

Ms Davidson continued: “Some people are already taking action to tackle the climate emergency but many others are only becoming aware there is a problem. We want to talk to a diverse range of people and groups at all stages of their journey.”

The Fife hub follows on from two pathfinder in the north of Scotland. It is anticipated that Fife will add to a hub network.

Mairi McAllan, cabinet secretary for Net Zero and Just Transition said: “Climate action hubs will put communities at the heart of net zero and I’m very pleased to see the Fife Climate Action Hub established as the first of our expanded network.

“Our two pathfinder hubs have already established themselves as central coordinators in their local areas, including by increasing public awareness and participation in climate change action; successfully generating additional funding from the private sector; and providing a critical community leadership role, working effectively in partnership with local stakeholders.

“Local communities have a crucial role to play in helping us to achieve our shared national climate change targets and I look forward to working with the Fife Climate Action Hub and the many others that will be established in the months to come.”


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