A successful business needs a good idea to work on and turn it into a successful enterprise. But the business idea is worthless if you haven’t got sufficient funding. Young business entrepreneurs need money to invest in their business, and for that they need to pitch their business ideas to potential investors.
If you are also looking for tips to start pitching your business ideas to investors, then this article is for you.
7 business ideas to pitch your business ideas to investors
Share correct information
You might get 20 seconds to 1 hour to pitch your business ideas to investors and this is certainly a very short duration to convince investors to invest in your business. In order to get funding, you need to make every second count during your pitch and to do so you need to share correct information about your business and avoid any kind of information which is unnecessary and can be ignored.
Narrow down your target audience
The most important challenge is to find your target audience. If you have got your target audience, try to narrow them down so that you can understand the concerns of your real audience because investors will go deeper into what your business aims to do, and they will take a close look at your business.
Market research
The most significant part of making a pitch in front of investors is to be well-prepared with your market research. You should have the ability to compile, analyse, and draw meaningful conclusions from the market research. If you can make your idea seem sounder to your investor, you may just be able to impress them. A well-researched plan can make your pitch more effective.
Create a business plan
The best way to move forward to achieve a successful business idea is to create a plan for your business. Investors are investing their money to understand what the business is actually going to do in the future. While making a pitch you need to ensure what you want to do with your business in the near future and how you are going to achieve your objectives. Even the most lucrative business idea is worthless without a perfect business plan.
Tell a story
You can’t get the right funding for your business if you fail to tell the right story for your business in front of investors. Create a fictional story about your business and narrate how the hero, which is your company, is going to solve a problem, how it is going to bring a change in society or even how it is making life simpler for common people.
Prepare a Demo
Whether you are starting a product-based business or a service-based business, make sure you prepare a demo first that works out all the technical issues and won’t create any mess in front of your investors. You have to look technically at all aspects of your business, cross-check with everything before pitching your business ideas.
Be confident
It is very important to show your confidence in front of investors, you must ensure that you know everything about your business idea so that you can give answers to all the inventor’s queries without being nervous. This will ensure that you are in control of the situation and this will have a positive impact in front of your investors.
Pitching example from Shark Tank India
One of the best examples of pitching from Shark Tank India:
Patil Kaki is the best sort of example from Shark Tank India who pitched her idea in a great way and got the 40 lakhs offer for four per cent equity.
“Ganpati ho ya diwali, khushiyan baantegi Patil Kaki.” The brand involves homemade snack products by Patil Kaki. The brand has managed to acquire products since its inception in 2017.
The owner of the Patil Kaki is Geeta Patil. The Investors of Patil Kaki are Peyush Bansal and Anupam Mittal.
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