It’s that time of the year when Nigerians create aesthetics with the green/white/green Nigerian flag colour and shade both in the interior and exterior of their space in commemoration of the October 1st Independence Day.
However, in the face of the economic downturn amidst everything else that is making the Nigerian citizens wonder if the 63rd Independence Day anniversary is worth celebrating at this perilous time, let alone going all the way to decorate the home for this purpose, here is what a couple of Nigerians have to say:
“For the commemoration of Nigeria @ 63, my family is going to dig out the Nigerian flag and every décor item in green and white from the storeroom and embellish our sitting room with it. I think I may have a flag that I could hang in front of the house. My wife already promised to bake a cake and decorate with the green white green national flag colour and shade – although I feel she is just trying to showcase her baking talents with it but the kids are excited, especially because it’s a Sunday. More importantly, we are full blooded Nigerians, ‘patriotic’ is who we are – it is in our genes. This makes us celebrate even in the face of hardship. We go through these hardships almost helplessly but with hope that there would be a better tomorrow, and maybe, just maybe, God would intervene at some point. So we navigate the situation and put a touch of beauty on our lives and for every occasion, we decorate our spaces and celebrate as though our lives are perfect.” Victor Orijimi, a Lagos-based businessman said.
On her part, an Interior Décor expert said: “If there is any décor item that is a bestseller in the past days, it is the frame and artworks designed with the Nigerian flag colour and shade.
While I am grateful for good business as I didn’t expect to make independent décor items sales this year based on the hardship in the country – it felt inconsequential as I initially thought who would want to celebrate a country that doesn’t give its citizens space for healthy breath. However, I cannot help but see through who we truly are as a people; strong, relentless and always making every moment count.”
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