6/2023・Shareholders approve all resolutions proposed by the Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting 2023



Company announcement no. 6/ 2023   

Schindellegi, Switzerland – 12 April 2023  

The shareholders of Trifork Holding AG (“Trifork“) today approved all resolutions proposed by the Board of Directors at Trifork’s Annual General Meeting 2023 (the “AGM“) which was held at Grabenstrasse 2, 6430 Baar, Switzerland

Dividend payment

The shareholders approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to pay a gross dividend of EUR 0.14 per share (equivalent to CHF 0.14 per share) by making a repayment from capital contribution reserves to the shareholders. The total gross dividend amount paid out amounts to CHFk 2.717, which is equivalent to DKKk 20.337, as calculated in accordance with the exchange rate published by the Swiss Federal Customs Administration as of 12 April 2023.

The repayment from capital contribution reserves is declared in CHF and paid out in DKK.

Re-elections and elections

Christoffer Holten decided not to stand for re-election. On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Chairperson thanked Christoffer Holten for his valuable contributions.

The shareholders re-elected Julie Galbo as Chairperson of the Board of Directors as well as all other members who stood for re-election for a term of one year. In addition, the shareholders elected Erik Theodor Jakobsen as new member of the Board of Directors for a term of one year.

Furthermore, the shareholders re-elected the following members of the Board of Directors to the Nomination and Remuneration Committee for one year: Julie Galbo, Casey Rosenthal and Olivier Jaquet. The Board of Directors intends to designate Olivier Jaquet as Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee.

Remuneration for the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Management

The shareholders approved the 2022 Remuneration Report in a consultative vote as well as the shareholders approved the maximum aggregate amount of the remuneration for the Board of Directors for the period from the AGM 2023 to the AGM 2024. Furthermore, the shareholders approved the maximum aggregate amount of the fixed and variable remuneration for the members of the Executive Management for the financial year 2024.

Amendments to the Articles of Association

Shareholders approved the Board of Directors’ proposal for the amendment of Trifork’s Articles of Association implementing the requirements following from the Swiss corporate law reform which came into force on 1 January 2023.

Capital band

Shareholders approved the Board of Directors’ proposal to cancel the existing and introduce a new capital band for a maximum period of five years with an upper limit of 107% (rounded) and a lower limit of 95% of the share capital currently registered in the commercial register.

For a detailed listing of all resolutions presented at the AGM, please visit:


For more information, please contact:
Kristian Dollerup, Head of Investor Relations
kdo@trifork.com, +41 76 561 12 56

Frederik Svanholm, Group Investment Director
frsv@trifork.com, +41 79 357 7317

Peter Rørsgaard, CCO Fintech & Head of Press
pro@trifork.com, +45 2042 2494

About Trifork  
Trifork is a global NextGen IT company that develops innovative software solutions in collaboration with its customers. The company has 1,062 employees across 66 business units and offices in 14 countries in Europe, USA, and Australia. Trifork works in six business areas: Digital Health, FinTech, Smart Building, Cloud Operations, Cyber Protection, and Smart Enterprise. Trifork’s research and development takes place in Trifork Labs, where Trifork continuously invests in and develops technology startups with clear synergies between the startup and Trifork. Trifork is behind the brand GOTO, which runs a global tech community with 329,000 subscribers and more than 40 million views on YouTube as per end 2022.

  • CA. Trifork AGM 2023.final


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