15 manufacturers, food operators committed to increase variety, demand of lower-sodium alternatives


SINGAPORE: Fifteen major manufacturers and food operators have committed to increasing the variety and demand of lower-sodium ingredients, as part of efforts to bring down excessive salt consumption in Singapore.

These manufacturers and food operators represent more than 30 per cent of the retail market for sauces and seasonings and 10 per cent of the food and beverage (F&B) market share, Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Health Rahayu Mahzam said in parliament on Monday (Nov 6).

Surveys by the Ministry of Health (MOH) and Health Promotion Board (HPB) released in September found that nine in 10 people in Singapore are consuming more salt than what is recommended.

The prevalence of hypertension or high blood pressure has also nearly doubled since 2010.

Member of Parliament Dr Lim Wee Kiak (PAP-Sembawang) had asked how the government intends to ensure that efforts to address sodium overconsumption do not inadvertently lead to increased business overhead costs and higher food prices.

On Monday, Ms Rahayu pointed out that HPB offers grant support to salt and sauce suppliers to reformulate their products through the Healthier Ingredient Development Scheme, which encourages the use of healthier ingredients in the food service industry. 

Lower-sodium alternatives are now “more accessible” as a result and the wholesale price of most lower-sodium salt, sauces and seasonings supplied to food operators are comparable to that of the regular versions, Ms Rahayu said. 

She added that the government will also need to explain to food operators such as hawkers, restaurants, caterers, and chefs on the need to cut salt intake, introduce them to lower-sodium ingredients, as well as provide them with samples to try out.

“We also hope that they will help us explain to the public that salt is an acquired taste and that if we over-consume it over some time, our taste buds will get accustomed to it and fail to taste other natural ingredients,” Ms Rahayu said, adding that the government is planning engagement sessions with food operators as well as their industry and professional associations.

She also noted that HPB will be stepping up its public education campaign. Last year, HPB encouraged people to switch from regular salt to lower-sodium alternatives.

“In Singapore, less salt often means more taste as it allows us to appreciate the natural flavours of the herbs, spices and other ingredients typically used in local cuisine,” said Ms Rahayu.

“HPB will continue to educate Singaporeans on the need to cut sodium, increase their receptiveness to using lower-sodium ingredients and change the perception that we need more salt and sauces for flavourful dishes,” she said, adding that the statutory board will conduct more activities, such as food sampling activities at supermarkets.


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